
What You Said About Kollo Collagen Supplements

OC by Olivia Coleman
01 August 2022

Your Thoughts About Kollo Collagen Supplements Revealed

We recently sent out a survey for our lovely customers to give us some honest feedback about Kollo collagen supplements. The questions revolved around how long you’ve been taking it and what you take it for. We also asked for some information about your experiences, including what it’s helped with and any additional comments you have.

The response has been fantastic! We love our customers and it has made us very happy to see what you have to say about our collagen. In this post, we will give you the lowdown on those responses and share what we’ve learned.

The responses

We had more than 300 people take part in this survey. All of them are verified Kollo customers with real experience of our collagen supplement. Most gave us very welcome feedback and shared their thoughts about their experience and what they would like to see from Kollo Health. We are all about giving our customers what they need, so this information is invaluable to us.

Thank you to all who took the time to participate in the survey.

Length of time taking Kollo collagen supplements

More than three quarters (75.6%) of respondents had been taking Kollo for 3 months or more. This is the point where we expect people to start experiencing the real benefits for their joints and bones. The time it takes to see improvements in your skin is usually considerably less, though it can take 3 months for them to materialise.

It was very encouraging to see this. It meant that most of the responses would be from people who have taken Kollo long enough to see the full range of benefits. We are so pleased to see people taking their collagen so seriously. Our mission was always to inspire people to take back control of their wellbeing.

The main reason for taking Kollo liquid collagen

For this question, we tried to include the full range of reasons why people choose collagen supplements. These include:

  • Overall wellness

  • Joint pain/arthritis

  • Perimenopause/menopause

  • Sports recovery

  • Skin

  • Hair

  • Nails

We also added an option for ‘All of the above’ as this would apply to many. And options for various combinations of these things were included. It turns out that the majority of respondents are seeking help with all these issues. Perhaps this is not surprising, since we know that so many of our lovely customers are women experiencing perimenopause or menopause.

That stage of a woman’s life can bring about so many of the issues that Kollo collagen supplements address. So we are pleased to see so many people coming to us for help with them.

Benefits noticed since starting on Kollo collagen

This is a key one for us – what benefits have you noticed? The main benefits reported in this survey were reduced joint pain and healthier skin (26.3% and 25.4% respectively). These issues are the primary focus of Kollo, and two of the most common symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. So we are very pleased to see so many respondents noticing these benefits.

The other high scorers were stronger nails (14.3%) and healthier hair (9.5%). Other benefits like reduced peri/menopause symptoms, better sleep and more energy were reported by some participants. While this is not a scientific study, it is a strong indicator that our customers are enjoying many of the benefits we are aiming for.

How long until those benefits started to materialise?

Again, this is an important piece of information. We were thrilled to see that an overwhelming 38.4% of participants saw the benefits after just 2 months of taking Kollo collagen supplements. It was even more pleasing to see that 28.6% of respondents saw their benefits after less than 1 month. 19.7% waited 3 months to see results, and small numbers of people reported different periods of time.

Interestingly, only 0.3% of respondents said they had no benefits. This amounts to just one person out of the 300+ responses, so it is clear that Kollo is working for the vast majority.

Comments on the experience

We really enjoyed reading the feedback from individuals. We would love to respond to each one individually, but there are just too many to do that. What we can say is that it warms our hearts to see kind words about our customer service and the pleasant taste of the Kollo collagen drink. These are things we work hard on and many people had good things to say.

There were lots of comments about individual benefits. Whether you have experienced improvements in your skin, joints, hair, nails, energy levels, peri/menopause symptoms or more, we can only share in your joy! You are seizing upon your own freedom and releasing yourselves from the shackles of an ageing body. We hope your Kollo journey is helping you live your best life and that you are following all our advice about maximising the benefits.

Again, thank you to everyone who shared their comments with us – every bit of feedback is valuable to us.

Thoughts about what we could add to Kollo

There were some interesting responses in this section. Many people said they didn’t feel anything needed to be added. There were also many that said they didn’t know. But some people had some interesting suggestions that we will be exploring.

We noticed some people recommending Vitamin B12 or other B vitamins. These are actually already included in the formula – in fact, we put 100% of your RDA of Vitamin B12 into our Kollo collagen drink. Other good suggestions included:

  • Vitamin D

  • Hyaluronic acid

  • Omega 10

  • Magnesium

  • Calcium

  • Glucosamine

  • Iron

We will certainly be taking these suggestions into consideration. However, our collagen supplement needs to remain focused on boosting collagen. We are aware of the importance of certain minerals as well as the vitamins we already implement. We also understand the merits of enhancing certain key benefits like joint strengthening or skincare. So we thank the participants for these contributions and will take everything to the drawing board as we move forward.

Products you’d like to see from Kollo Health

As we look to expand our offerings to the wellness sector, your thoughts about what you would like to see are important. We noticed a number of suggestions about skincare products and supplements. There were also many responses about things for joints and various other nutrient-specific supplements.

All of this feedback is invaluable and we thank you for all of it. We can assure you that we have plans in motion to increase our product range. And we are exploring other opportunities to better serve you and your wellbeing. Stay tuned to Kollo Health as we have big ideas and even bigger plans to help you live your best life!

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