Customer Stories

Kim's Story

OC by Olivia Coleman
28 June 2024

I think it’s really important that I start by saying I would wear stretch marks on my forehead if that’s what it took to have my son. I think they’re a beautiful expression of the incredible journey our bodies go through; they’ve just not been part of my journey….

By happy chance, I started using Kollo the week after we conceived our first baby. It was a   planned pregnancy so I had already been really reassured that the website’s FAQs addressed Kollo’s suitability during pregnancy, and I felt very comfortable therefore taking it continuously from trying to conceive and now 7 months (and counting) breastfeeding postpartum. I love how convenient it is; I used to dilute it in water but these days I keep a stash next to the changing table (the only reliably routine part of my mornings!) and I take it straight from the sachet. 

Although my pregnancy was not a factor in deciding to incorporate a collagen supplement originally, there are such a number of positive pregnancy-related experiences I have had, and the common factor among them is that they can all be attributed to using Kollo

Most notably, despite being a small person carrying a large baby, and doing very little else to mitigate them;  I have no stretch marks. This alone might be sheer good fortune, but I’m also yet to suffer from visible hair thinning or breakage (if you exclude the hair my son pulls out with his fists of steel, that is!) I’ve never been one to spend much time nor money on expensive hair or skin treatments; it makes sense to me that it would be more efficacious to put one really good quality supplement in to my body to work from the inside out, than to put various lotions and potions on the outside.

I think using Kollo consistently has also really helped with the progressive overload on my joints of carrying a baby that gets heavier by the day! I felt the strain of the constant kneeling, bending and crouching through my knees early on in motherhood but happily my body adapted quickly, and I have been able to remain the really active and energetic mum I hoped I would be. 

Oh and personally I like to think I don’t look like a 38 year old mum who hasn’t had a solid night’s sleep in 7 months! 

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